Common Golf Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Common Golf Injuries and How to Avoid Them

There’s been a lot of talk about golf here in the office this past week…. Golf season is officially here in the DMV area. And there is nothing worse than an unexpected injury ruining your season! Just this week – we’ve had many of our regular clients requesting extra “tune-up” sessions – just to makeRead More…

Knee Pain: Top Four Causes and What You can Do

Knee Pain: Top Four Causes and What You can Do

Suffering from on/off knee pain that won’t go away? If so – you’re not alone – it is the second most common complaint of musculoskeletal pain (back pain is number one) and it impacts one-third of all Americans at one time or another. Most of our clients are in their 50’s and 60’s and love to ski, run,Read More…

Advice for Runners With Achilles Pain

Advice for Runners With Achilles Pain

Sometimes it happens… You’re out on a run, enjoying the pace, you finally feel like you’ve got it in you to run a little further than you did last time, then all of a sudden OUCH! Something in your ankle doesn’t feel quite right… So you slow down, give it a stretch and give runningRead More…

Why Are My Hamstrings Always Tight?

Why Are My Hamstrings Always Tight?

My hamstrings are always so tight. I stretch them every day, but I don’t seem to be making any progress. They seem to be much tighter since I had my baby last year. Sometimes I even get pain that feels like a pulled muscle. What do you think I should do? Thanks! Suzanne I oftenRead More…

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