Tips to Combat Arthritis this Winter

Tips to Combat Arthritis this Winter

People tell me all the time: “I don’t need to check the weather anymore, my joints tell me what’s coming.” And as winter approaches, I know I’m going to be hearing more and more of this. So why is it that arthritis sufferers tend to be impacted more during the colder, wetter months? The actualRead More…

Do Cortisone Shots Work on Herniated Discs?

Do Cortisone Shots Work on Herniated Discs?

A recent conversation with someone regarding whether or not they should get a cortisone shot in their back to help a herniated disc inspired me to write this article. Why? Because in speaking with her, I realized how misinformed she was about when you should and shouldn’t get a cortisone shot, and what they areRead More…

Top Four Benefits of Orthopedic Dry Needling and Why you Should Consider it

Top Four Benefits of Orthopedic Dry Needling and Why you Should Consider it

Orthopedic dry needling is a modern therapeutic treatment technique that has been adopted by physical therapists and medical professionals to alleviate pain and improve muscle function. But despite its escalating popularity, I’m still surprised at how many people are unaware it even exists. What exactly is orthopedic dry needling? Orthopedic dry needling involves the insertionRead More…

5 Ways Working Out Can Aggravate Your Back

5 Ways Working Out Can Aggravate Your Back

The research continues to show that the best “treatment” for back pain is exercise. But for some, a work out is what actually aggravates their back. This is a common frustration I hear from clients. They know that strengthening their core and working out is good for their back. But when they do – theyRead More…

6 Reasons Your Back Surgery Failed

6 Reasons Your Back Surgery Failed

Back surgery, often viewed as a last resort for those suffering from debilitating back pain, has become increasingly common in the last 15 years A quick Google search reveals that an estimated 1.5 million spinal fusions are performed annually in the United States alone. When you consider that 70-80% of all back pain is consideredRead More…

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