When you’ve got persistent, nagging knee pain – it can have quite the impact on your quality of life. But the good news is there is plenty you can do naturally and on your own to help relieve knee pain, even if you’ve been suffering for years. Here Are 6 of My Top TipsRead More…
Category: Running
Three Red Flags Your Hamstring Strain is Probably Something Else
A hamstring strain is a common injury I see in active patients aged 40 and above. But sadly – it’s also one of the most common mis-diagnoses I see as well. First, what does a true hamstring strain or injury look like? A true hamstring strain typically presents with a sudden, sharp pain in theRead More…
Why Knee Pain Gets Worse When You Exercise & How To Ease It
I’ve had a lot of questions about knee pain coming in recently. I wanted to tell you about this as it is a common problem I see people come into the clinic for. I Got this question emailed to me last week by a “confused” reader of my articles suffering with knee pain… “Hey Trupti,Read More…
Using Exercise as Medicine. A Natural Alternative to Pain Pills.
We are inherently designed for motion from the moment we are born. But if you look around – we simply don’t move enough. Compared to our ancestors, our modern lives have us sitting (on average) for more than half our day. Fit bits and smart watches help combat this by alerting you to stand andRead More…
Running Over 50: Top 3 Injuries and What you can Do
If you love to run, then you’re probably no stranger to running injuries. But if you love to run and you’re over 50, not only are you more likely to suffer a running-related injury compared to runners half your age, but you’ll tend to suffer from different categories of injuries as well. In older runners,Read More…
Best Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis – According to Science
Ever had nagging foot and heel pain that’s so bad it feels like you’re walking around on glass? Yep – that’s called plantar fasciitis – and it impacts over 2 million individuals in the United States every year. Plantar fasciitis occurs when you have inflammation of your plantar fascia – the tissue that makes upRead More…
Back to running after chronic hamstring pain
The other week I wrote about chronic hamstring tightness – and what it means when it doesn’t go away. Well… one of our clients Susan was dealing with something very similar. I want to tell you about her success story because it’s possible you or someone you know could be in the same boat…. Susan is 50Read More…
Knee Pain while Running? Don’t blame Arthritis
Spring is officially here and it’s around this time that a lot of folks return to or begin a running program. If you’re over the age of 40 – one of the most common questions I get is… Is running bad for you knees? Does it cause arthritis? The short answer is “No”! If youRead More…
5 Tips for Running Recovery (for Spring, Summer, Fall Race Season)
Recovery = the act or process of becoming healthy, a return to a normal state of health and mind and strength. This is the definition of recovery and should be applied to running maybe more than any other sport or activity. We tend to see a lot of runners who eventually fall prey to the sameRead More…
Advice for Runners With Achilles Pain
Sometimes it happens… You’re out on a run, enjoying the pace, you finally feel like you’ve got it in you to run a little further than you did last time, then all of a sudden OUCH! Something in your ankle doesn’t feel quite right… So you slow down, give it a stretch and give runningRead More…